
Friday, December 27, 2013

Fat burning foods


Broccoli Rabe

Who knew that food could talk to your fat cells? That's exactly what the phytonutrient sulforaphane in broccoli rabe does. It stimulates an enzyme that tells your fat cells to burn fat. Meet your negotiator.

Easy meal ideas: Sauté broccoli rabe with lemon zest and chili flakes, mix broccoli rabe and sweet Italian sausage together, or toss broccoli rabe and summer squash with olive oil, mint, lemon juice, and pine nuts.


The much-maligned fat in avocado is actually a triple-fat burner. Its monounsaturated fat plumps up cell membranes, enabling cells to better chat with fat-burning hormones. It also switches off the body's fat storage hormones. In addition, it boosts the metabolism by protecting the energy-producing part of cells from free radical damage.  Bring on the guacamole!

Easy meal ideas: Eat half an avocado with sea salt and tomatoes for an on-the-go breakfast, add avocado to a spinach and green bean salad, or make an avocado smoothie with coconut milk and cinnamon.

Brazil Nuts

Next time you want to discard those large nuts from the mixed nut selection, don't. They're actually little fat-burners. They help boost the metabolism by converting the thyroid hormone to its active form. They also bind up toxins that would otherwise store themselves in your fat cells and contribute to cellulite.

Easy meal ideas: Snack on Brazil nuts, drink Brazil nut milk with vanilla and cardamom, or sprinkle Brazil nuts on a mango, papaya, and citrus fruit salad.

Chia Seeds

Packed with omega-3 fats, fiber, and protein, these tiny seeds help suppress the appetite, fire up the metabolism, and turn on glucagon, one of the body's fat-burning hormones. The trick is to soak them for 15 minutes so they swell up to 10 times their size. Just as with oatmeal, the larger the seeds are, the quicker your stomach will release those hormones that let you know you're full—and hopefully satisfied.

Easy meal ideas: Make a chia seed pudding by soaking them in almond milk and then topping them with raw almonds, blend them with coconut milk and pineapple for a piña colada-inspired dessert, or eat a chia energy bar.

Wild Salmon

While you can't eat your way to a six-pack (that requires a few crunches), you can strip abdominal fat by consuming wild salmon on a regular basis. The omega-3s in wild salmon help improve insulin sensitivity, which shrinks fat from your waistline. Wild salmon also activates the thyroid hormone for a faster metabolism.

Easy meal ideas: Poach wild salmon with a watercress and pink grapefruit salad, make a wild salmon ceviche, or eat smoked wild salmon with dill and mustard.


This aromatic spice helps move glucose into the cells faster so our fat storage hormone, insulin, hangs around a lot less. But note: Eating a cinnamon bun doesn't count! You need to consume at least a quarter of a teaspoon of cinnamon to reap its fat-burning benefits.

Easy meal ideas: Add cinnamon to a vanilla smoothie, make an apple-spiced chia pudding, or toss cinnamon through warmed quinoa with raspberries and pistachios.

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